Friday, February 1, 2013

The truth and sadness of poverty

When many people think of poverty as simply being poor or below standard wealth, they lack the true insight on what impact poverty actually causes. So clearly we can conclude that those with less money, buy less clothing, struggle in paying bills and don’t get to live a luxurious life like most people. But what many people don’t realize is that approximately 25,000 people die every DAY due to hunger as shown in the Hunger and World Poverty article. So break that down even more and that's one person in every three and a half seconds. So while many of us walk up to the dinner table taking seconds or thirds, or throw out our "gross" sandwich our mom made that day because we didn’t feel like eating it, a human being is sick and dying because they can’t afford to buy a single thing for them and possibly their family. The saddest thing of all is that the people who die the most from these starving and malnourished diseases are children. 

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